Pregnancy and Birth

The procedures during pregnancy, child birth and immediately after is different from the Indian system. It is also more prepared for only parents to be able to take care instead of needing help from relatives (in-laws/parents etc). Of course if parents or in-laws can come over for help, nothing can match that, but it is not an absolute necessity.

Child-birth and abortion are covered in your basic health insurance even if you are already pregnant when you arrive in Netherlands.

  1. Month 1: If you think you are pregnant, buy a ‘pregnancy tester’ from a store (apotheek, etos)
  2. Month 1: If the tester confirms you are pregnant, visit your GP. Your GP will refer you as follows:
    • If you never had a child before or if your previous child was ‘normal delivery’, he/she will refer you to a midwife organization (called verloskundige, specialized in pregnancy till childbirth) nearest to your house. The midwife is responsible until your child birth. In between if she feels there is a complication and a gynecologist attention is needed, she will refer you to a hospital.
    • If your previous child birth was a C-section, you will be referred to a gynecologist at a hospital of your choice. When you are nearing 7th month, you also need to visit the midwife organization (verloskundige) nearest to your house. They will assist you when you get labour pain till after delivery.
    • If you want to abort, he/she will refer you to a abortion center
  3. Month 1: Register with the midwife/gynecologist. They will conduct regular check-up (pretty similar to Indian process). However if you feel you need attention at anytime in-between, it is possible to contact your midwife/hospital immediately.
  4. 20th week: At the 20th week scanning, you can ask if the baby is a boy or a girl.
  5. When everything is normal, most Dutch people prefer the child birth a home!! However Indians here prefer hospital delivery. You need to discuss this with your GP/midwife upfront. Hospital delivery is not covered by insurance unless you have taken additional coverage for it.
  6. 5th month or a little after:
    • if you are working, arrange with your employer for maternity leave (4 weeks before + 12 weeks after).
    • you need to arrange for ‘help after the child-birth’. You arrange this with ‘kraamzorg’. You need to call a kraamzorg organization in your area and arrange for the help needed. Their basic function is to help the mother and baby after child-birth.They come with immense knowledge since they would have gone thru a 2 years course. For a week, they will bathe the baby, wash clothes, iron them, tidy up the house and even cook if needed. You need to pay partially for this service and the insurance pays the rest.
    • The kraamzorg will give you a list of ‘things to buy’ that you need to have in your house at least 5 weeks before the delivery date. Make sure you have done the shopping on time.
  7. You need to decide the name of the child latest by 3 days after the child is born!
  8. When the pain starts, call the midwife. She will come to your house and will carry out the delivery procedure or suggest when you should go to the hospital for delivery.
  9. When the child is born:
    • Father is entitled for 2 days paternity leave
    • Immediately call the kraamzorg.
    • If it is a normal delivery at the hospital, you will be discharged in a couple of hours after birth
    • If you have your own car, a baby child seat is mandatory (even for drive from hospital to home)
    • Call the ‘consultation bureau’. They take care of the immunization of the child, hearing test etc. You may also consult them for any child related concerns/questions.
    • Within 3 days register your child birth (with name) at the town-hall
    • Within  2 weeks you will get the BSN and the Birth Certificate (Uitreksel) of the child.
    • Call your insurance company and add your child’s name
    • Within 6 months you need to apply for the child passport at the Indian passport agency
    • You can apply for Residence Permit of the child at the IND without a passport. After you get the passport, you can collect the RP
    • Normally SVB is automatically informed for child-benefit. If you do not get a letter in 4 weeks, call them.
  10. As a parent, you can ask for reduced working hours with your employer. This is called ‘ouderschaap’.

Disclaimer: This is my best effort and personal opinion only. No responsibility will be taken for any inaccuracy.

19 thoughts on “Pregnancy and Birth

  1. Chirag

    Hi, we just moved to Eindhoven and are looking for a midwife agency as well as a GP near the Woensel Winkelcentrum area. Do you have any suggestions?
    Thanks in advance!

    1. Madhu

      Hi Chirag, I am with a GP in Granida. Good GP, but no more vacancy. I think there are others in the same complex with vacancy. For someone near Woensel, may be you can ask for suggestions in the facebook group Indians in Eindhoven. Our midwife agency was t’Noorden.

      1. Chirag

        Thanks Madhu. I just registered with t’Noorden. I’ll look at Granida for GPs too.

        1. Madhu

          I think there are GPs in Catharina hospital. That will be near from Woensel winkelcentrum.

  2. Senthil

    Hi Madhu,

    I am traveling to NL by next month with my wife she is pregnant in 6 months . Can we allowed to travel during pregnant. if yes till how many months we can travel. Please advise on this.


  3. Sonal

    Hi Madhu,

    1. Can a 2-3 month pregnant woman travel from India to NL Eindhoven? I mean is that allowed by NL?
    2. After the child birth, will they allow the 2 months old baby travel to india? Whether the passport and other needed things can be obtained in 2 months?
    3. Whether we can get good doctors in Eindhoven for child birth?


    1. Madhu

      1. yes. But ask your India doctor if it is wise.
      2. yes
      3. thousands of children are born in Eindhoven each year! When complications occur the doctor skills are tested. That can happen anywhere in the world.

  4. Senthil

    Hi Madhu,

    My wife is 8 month pregnant . now we are in Utrecht all the midwifes are saying kraamzorg is mandatory .
    Is it true with out them can we manage .


    1. Madhu

      My guess is it is mandatory…. Else it would not be so popular and common practice. But is only my guess. You can call insurance company and check.

  5. Manish Kumar

    Hi, I am travelling to NL with my wife who is 6 months pregnant. Is it still possible to get a mid-wife so late in pregnancy or are there some restrictions related to duration of pregnancy?

    Thanks & Regards
    Manish Kumar

  6. Minakshi


    I am travelling to Nl in Nov16 and i am 2 month pregnant.I have read that TB vaccine is mandatory within three months of arrival in Nl .Please let me know how can i not take that as it might be harmful in pregnancy.


  7. Milind


    My wife is 2 month pregnant and we are moving to Netherlands. will she still be covered in insurance? Is it still possible to upgrade insurance for pregnancy in hospital?

  8. Milind


    My wife is 2 month pregnant and we are moving to Netherlands. will she still be covered in insurance? Is it still possible to upgrade insurance for pregnancy in hospital?


  9. Surabhi


    Thanks for the information.Please answer below questions
    1. I do not have own car,When the pain starts do we call to hospital for ambulance or we ourself have to go to hospital?
    2. After the delivery to for consultation of baby you mentioned Call the ‘consultation bureau’. Do we take appointment with them prior delivery or what is the procedure?
    3. After the baby is born..For any baby health related issues whom to consult our gp or any baby doctor like in India?

    Thanks in advance

    1. Madhu

      1. Taxi
      2. Call them. It is instantaneous.
      3. GP and Zuid zorg. See my post on medical system.


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